I wanted to ask your opinion if it would be feasible to automatically retarget the plugin dependencies to the actual versions (as long as there weren't any breaking changes). Let me share a bit more context on where I encountered this:
I've been trying to find a way to get the cursor position on the target segment. This is actually the first step of something that should be fairly simple: I'd like to get the portion of the target segment from the beginning of the segment up…
I'm using Trados Studio 2021 SR1 - version.
I tried to use MT Enhanced Plugin for Trados Studio for translating from Gujarātī to English. It produced weird output while using Google Translate V2.
The English sentences are completely out…
I would like to create a button that will make a drop-down menu similar to the "Align Documents" button in the original application.(I will add a screenshot)
I know that to create a normal button you have to use "Action" and "ActionLayout…
Hi all,
First of all, if this is wrong place to share feedback about app - SDLXLIFF Toolkit ( https://appstore.sdl.com/language/app/sdlxliff-toolkit/296/ ) please let me know and if possible move this thread to proper location. Thanks in advance.
I'm working on developing a custom json file type for Trados Studio. I need to perform different actions on segments depending on whether the segments are locked in the translation editor. So far, I cannot see a method or API hook to check if a segment…
I am looking for version 1.3 of the MS Word Grammar Checker as from what I can tell this version seems to be faster than the most recent version on the App Store when using Trados 2017.
Is there still a way to get version 1.3 of this plug-in…
Hello All,
I use a custom plug-in to provide functionality for my users including a Web Browser component that connects to WorldServer to run various servlets for the user. This plug-in has been working well for a couple of years now. The plug-in is…
As SDL WorldServer users my team is required to regularly upload to the server as opposed to keep working off-line and at the end do one upload. This means a regular creation and importing of return packages.
We uncovered a bug in SDL Trados Studio…
In my OpenExchange plugin, I am targeting versions 2011 through 2015 of Trados Studio, but using the same code for all three. To avoid having to have three separate Visual Studio projects or to have to manually point to the correct references and target…
In case anyone is interested, I've come up with a workaround to get the maxversion attribute to be automatically packaged in the manifest file inside the .sdlplugin file built in plugin projects in Visual Studio. As of right now, it doesn't seem that…
A few weeks back I started working at an universal plugin installer that will simply the publish process for every SDL Studio Developer. The main trigger for this is the close release of SDL Studio 2015 and the need for almost every developer to upgrade…
A few months back I've created an article explaining an approach you can take when you need to do release management for you Studio plugins and you are not able to use OpenExchange. My original article is found here:
I also created a video a step by…